WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: people on a spiritual journey, trying to increase our knowledge of and participation in God's plan for us. One of the ways we grow spiritually is to help our neighbors in times of need and SVDP is the perfect vehicle for facilitating this help.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: listening to people's struggles and hardships and trying to help them in the best way we can.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: help keeping a family out of the dark by paying their electric bill, keeping a roof over a family's head when eviction threatens.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: food bags given with a smile of dignity to those who need it most - a fresh perspective and a view of the possibilities.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: promise for the future by helping with tuition, providing clothing and shoes for a child returning to school, or we are the gentle nudge to finish high school or complete a GED.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: smiles and a listening ear, hope for those who feel as if they will never stop struggling, to those who see no light at the end of the tunnel.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: a hot shower, fresh laundry and a filling meal for the homeless, of ones person's cast offs being turned into another person's treasures, of children's smiles at Christmas time.
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: dentures and a confident smile for those who thought they could never smile again
WE ARE A SOCIETY OF: servants who strive to see the face of God in everyone that comes to us in need
WE ARE THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL......................
We are asking for you to help us continue our mission of providing aid to the poor, by supporting our "FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK" The walk is a fun, family, friendly event taking place at Catholic High School track. We will have food and water for all participants, music by Mass Kunfuzion and Zumba dancing.
This is our seventh year of hosting the walk and we are asking you to help make this our most successful walk ever. These are the ways you can help:
1. REGISTER TO WALK - there is no registration fee, but because this is a fundraiser, we ask that you make a personal donation. Additionally you can collect donations from friends, family, neighbors and co-workers by asking them to sponsor you. You can register online at http://www.svdpusa.net/fop/ or there will be a flyer in the bulletin containing our walk website. From our website you can register online or print a registration form. You also will have the opportunity to register the week-end of August 21st and 22ndafter all Masses.
2. BECOME A SPIRIT WALKER - If you can't make it to the track on walk day, make a donation and walk with us "IN SPIRIT". Spirit Walk envelopes will be in the back of the church.
3. PRAY - Pray for the success of our walk event and for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Ministry.