Wednesday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishENEucharistic Adoration after the Mass4:00 PMEnglishEnglishENMass for Souls in Purgatory (After Benediction & Repose of Blessed Eucharist
Thursday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishENNovena of the Miraculous Medal follws the Mass
Friday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN5:30 PMEnglishEnglishENHealing Mass. Preceded by Adoration
Friday Healing Mass: 5:30 PM (Healing service after Mass with special prayers for healing of :
Mind & Heart
Confession Times
SATURDAY: 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
WEDNESDAY: 8:40 AM (After the 8am Mass & Adoration)
6:00 PM (During Lent)