The Religious Education Program for Children at St. Anne of Bellview teaches children fun fillled faith development experiences with the family and parish community. To form young disciples in the Catholic Faith through shared study, reflection, prayer and Catholic action. Also, for the Sacrements of Confession, Communion and Confirmation preparation.
The teachers have been here at least 3 years or more. They challenge other classes in different aspects of their Catholic faith and also have scavenger hunts throughout the Church grounds. They reward children for good work and accomplishments such as learning their prayers, perfect attendance, and bringing in canned goods for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry to try and win a pizza party, etc.
We try to have innovative engaging programs that prepare the children, youth, families and the whole parish to participate fully in Church teachings so that each generation can carry out the mission of the Church. We use Loyola Press Finding God series.
K-5th grade-complete the Religious Education Program Shape by Communal Model for Catholic Sharing, learning the wisdom, vision, skills, attitude and behavior of the followers of Christ.
6th-8th grade-help students find their role in the faith community by learning their attitudes and actions of being a Catholic.
9th grade-fundametal search for God, encounter with Jesus in the Gospels and the founding Church. Involve them in their faith journey by actively participating in the Mass, as Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, bringing up the Gifts, and having Retreats.
We are still looking for teachers, teacher helpers, and substitutes. Please call Rachel Glass at the parish office or email her at [email protected].
K-8th grade classes are held at 9:15 am on Sundays at the Family Life Center (FLC). The 9th grade Confirmation class will be held during the SAYNTS Youth Group meeting from 12pm-2pm, also in the FLC. Classes begin in August and end in April. Children from kindergarten through 9th grade are welcome. Pre-registration is in Spring and regular registration is in August.
Online Registration for Youth Programs
Director of Religious Education
Rachel Glass
email: [email protected] or call the Parish Office for more information.