On June 13, 1937, Bishop Toolen was back to dedicate the new chapel, described by Mr. William Leonard as being "of hollow tile, plastered inside and out, with 25 by 50 foot floor space and situated on a plot of ground 250 by 480 feet." Other clergy present were the Rt. Rev. E. J. Hackett, V.G., P.A., the Very Rev. M.E. Kitrick, the Rev. Frs. T.M. Cullen, James Mundy, G.A. Callahan, M. Campodonico, and James Howard. Brothers Aedan, Luke and Camillus, M.S.S.s. T: Sister Phiomena and Missionary Sisters of the Most Blessed Trinity from the Bureau of Catholic Charities, Mobile: Srs. John Joseph, Mary Calvary, Mary Felix and Mary Alacoque, MSBT, of Pensacola: Sisters of Charity from the Pensacola Hospital; and Sisters of Mercy from St. Michael's School also were in attendance. Mrs. M.J. Brennan of Cleveland, Ohio, another relative of Mrs. Ann Sheil, brought a chalice and paten, the gift of the Rt. rev. Msgr. John Treacey of Cleveland. Following the dedication ceremonies, Mass was celebrated by Father James Mundy, the chaplain, then the bishop held Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
The ladies of the mission prepared and served a breakfast, where medals and pictures of St. Anne were distributed. The remarks made by Sister John Joseph indicate the spirit of the people, the same spirit which prevails at St. Anne's today: "Father Mundy and the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity express their appreciation of so many of the clergy, sisters and friends attending the dedication to thank God with them and the people of Bellview that such a splendid chapel is going up in their little village. They also wish to express again their thanks and appreciation to Mr. Will Leonard, who has given so much of his time and attention for the past two months in building the chapel. It is impossible to tell in a few words all that he has done to make the chapel in every way a worthy home for our Eucharistic King, but God know all his labors and self-sacrifice will reward him.
We want to thank, too, all the ladies of St. Anne's Mission, who bought and prepared the breakfast: also our boys and girls who worked so hard and helped all week to clean up the grounds and, with the sisters and our friends from Pensacola, did everything possible to beautify the chapel and get it ready for the first Mass.
George Roberts, who helped clear the land and work on the building. Pat Duncan, who was a Sacred Heart parishioner, came out with Father Clark and one of two other priests to serve. Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb of Mobile whose uncle, Father Hinton Lipscomb, was in charge of St. Anne's for a period of time, served here as an altar boy in his youth.